Friday, December 3, 2010

Share The Knowledge

This is my first ever blog! I'm not really one for blogging but I decided to do this in order to share the wonderful things I learn everyday as an Anthropology student. Now I know not everyone may be familiar with what anthropology is, but broadly it is defined as the study of people in all times and all places. Very broad I know! This is because it encompasses so much. People usually think of anthropology as the study of exotic peoples in far of places, however anthropologist also study within industrialized settings and western cultures too. Anthropology is about the study of all people, regardless of time, place, culture. It involves broad questions about what makes us human and what it means to be human, questions that can bee addressed from numerous angles. Through evolution for example; the study of primates, or ancestral humans or how our language and culture shapes our thinking. It obviously points out our differences, but in many ways continues to show just how similar we all are as humans. The discipline is divided into sub-disciples, including the fields of archaeology, cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, forensics, primatology, linguistic anthropology etc.

For me anthropology is about learning new ways of thinking and of being. It is about addressing our implicit assumptions about the way things are, it is about keeping our judgments in check by turning a critical lens on to ourselves. It is about respect for other peoples beliefs, ideas and cultures. It is about understanding that we are not the norm, there is no 'normal' way of doing things. We are all enculturated to the same degree and everything we do, everything we assume as normal is so culturally constructed. We are all as cultural as each other. When we realize and address this subconscious and implicit thinking I think that it creates an environment in which change can start to happen and change that benefits all. I honestly feel that anthropology has made me a better person, i feel like it should be mandatory for everyone! I really hope to use my degree to make changes in the world, to make things better.

The idea behind this blog really came out of the thought that as students we put so much time and effort into our studies; writing essays, listening to lectures, reading books. Yet most f this knowledge learnt and generated seems to never leave the department. Most of the anthropology students I know, like me are very passionate about anthropology and about the things we learn. Then I thought, what really is the point of it all if we don't use the things we do and learn for the benefit of others, if it just sits in a filing cabinet and as an overall grade on my transcripts. I think our knowledge and learning should be used to create changes, that is really what anthropology is for me. Otherwise what is the point of putting so much effort in, learning new ways of thinking about things if we don't share it with each other. So I have decided that I will post my essays, course work and things that I find interesting or important related to my degree. It may not be much but I hope that I can make someone, somewhere think differently about something and maybe want to make changes too. I want to share the amazing things I learn everyday through anthropology and hope that they affect you in the same way they have me. So although it may be minimal, I think that even if we all try to make small changes maybe we can make the world a better place? Learning should really be a communal and cooperative SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE!!

Happy learning, Shannon

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